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Group At The Dedication Of Walton Park, Abbeyside

Mr. Paddy Power (Chairman Dungarvan Urban District Council), unveiling a plaque dedicating the park in Abbeyside to Ernest Walton, Nobel prize winner for physics. Mr. Walton is standing to the left of the plaque. The plaque commemorates the opening of the park by Professor Ernest Walton. Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton was born in Dungarvan on October 6 1903. In 1951 he became the only Irish scientist thus far to be awarded a Nobel Prize for Physics when he received it jointly with John Cockcroft for their work in 1932 on splitting the atomic nucleus. This was one of the great achievements in the history of physics and amongst other reasons for its importance verified Einstein's equation E=mc2. Prof. Walton returned from Cambridge to Trinity College Dublin his alma mater in 1934. In 1946 he was appointed Erasmus Smith's Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy a title created in 1724. He died in 1995

No: UK2544
Photographer: Fraher, William
Date: 30th November 1989
Donor: Name Kept Private

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